Did a death just occur? Call us for immediate assistance.


A funeral representative is ready to help you.

Next: After you have spoken with the funeral representative

It may be reassuring to know what is going to happen next. The following will provide some helpful information on what to expect depending on where the death occurred.

At Home

In a hospital or nursing home

Outside Ontario

Then: Gather important information and documents

Before meeting with a funeral representative, it’s helpful to collect the deceased’s identification, will, and other personal documents. This will be needed when you meet with your funeral representative.


Now: Explore your options

Planning a funeral may seem overwhelming, with decisions to make and arrangements coming together quickly. We’re here to listen and to answer your questions.  

To get you started, we’ve created a guide to help answer your questions and make sure you’re prepared. As you move through our short tutorial, you’ll be presented with several options. Save your answers and you’ll receive a customised, personal plan to work from. It’s just for you; we don’t save this information, or even see it, unless you choose to share it with us.

Let’s get started
