Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Two Commemorative Booklets are posted here, listing all of those buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery and Prospect Cemetery who made the supreme sacrifice during  World War I and World War II. Below, Petty Officer 1st Class David Pottinger explains in his own words what motivated him to research and create these booklets. We offer our heartfelt thanks to Petty Officer Pottinger for his compassion and dedication to ensuring our veterans are not forgotten, and for sharing his efforts with us.


As a member of the Royal Canadian Navy who has had the honour of participating in Prospect Cemetery’s Sunrise Service of Remembrance for over 25 years, I felt I could do something to keep the light on those who made the ultimate sacrifice during WWI & WWII. The idea for this Commemorative Booklet came to me as I stood among the hundreds of grave markers wondering how to achieve this. My hope is that my research can be shared with all – including with local schools - and be posted on-line for easy access. Each name listed is attached to an important Canadian story that deserves to be heard.

David Pottinger, CD
Petty Officer 1st Class
Royal Canadian Navy