Audited Financials


The Mount Pleasant Group has been serving GTA communities for almost 200 years. In fact, we’re older than the city of Toronto. Everything we do is guided by our fundamental objective to fulfil our perpetual care obligations and continue to serve the GTA long into the future. The foundation of our success will be driven by a strong financial performance.

As a not-for-profit organisation, all revenue earned in excess of expenses are retained within the organisation. These funds are used to secure new lands to meet the needs of the Greater Toronto Area’s rapidly-growing population; to develop new facilities and enhance existing ones; to promote sustainability and accessibility in our current and future facilities;and to create products and services that meet the changing needs of families throughout the GTA. Below are some highlights from our latest fiscal year:

   2023  2022
Number of Employees




Services Performed
   Funeral Services
4,548 4,344
      Cremation - with ceremony
36% 29%
      Cremation - no ceremony  22% 26%
42% 45%
2,584 2,455
9,948  9,912
Proceeds $129.6 Million  $118.9 Million
   Contribution to Perpetual Care Trust Fund
($26.2 Million) ($22.4 Million)
   Sales / Other Revenue
$103.4 Million  $96.5 Million

 $24.2 Million
$23.2 Million
   General & Administrative
 $50.9 Million
$47.3 Million
   Cemetery Maintenance Expenses
$16.7 Million  $15.8 Million


For those of you who are unfamiliar with our industry, the concepts of a Perpetual Care Trust Fund and a Prepaid Trust Fund may be new, but they are critical to our operations and to everyone in our industry across Canada. The Perpetual Care Trust Fund generates income to pay for the maintenance of our cemeteries. It is legislated by the Province of Ontario and the principal cannot be touched, only the annual income. Under law, 40% of the selling price of the interment rights for every grave is set aside in the Fund.

Similarly, 20% of the crypt interment rights and 15% of niche interment rights are also directed to the Fund. The annual income from the Fund must be used for specific maintenance to ensure the general upkeep and appearance of the cemetery property.

The Prepaid Trust Fund is administered along similar lines. All revenues from people purchasing cemetery and funeral services in advance of need are held in a trust fund until that product or service is delivered.

Perpetual Care Trust Fund $581.0 Million $565.9 Million 
Prepaid Trust $256.7 Million $244.8 Million 


Capital Expenditures 2019 - 2023                 
 $89.7 Million


Current and Past Consolidated Financial Statements

2023 Financial Statements
2022 Financial Statements
2021 Financial Statements
2020 Financial Statements
2019 Financial Statements
2018 Financial Statements
2017 Financial Statements
2016 Financial Statements
2015 Financial Statements
2014 Financial Statements
2013 Financial Statements