Governance Responsibilities


The board has responsibility for the overall stewardship of MPG including: strategic planning; risk management and internal controls; CEO recruitment, selection and performance assessment; monitoring the organisation's performance; and governance.  Board Terms of Reference

Individual Directors

Individual directors are expected to act in the best interests of MPG, be available to the organisation as expected, and make effective and informed decisions. Directors must comply with MPG’s Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy.


The chair facilitates the operations and deliberations of the board and ensures that the board is fulfilling its functions and responsibilities. The chair also presides over all board meetings. Chair Terms of Reference


The CEO reports to the board and is responsible for directing, managing and planning the business of MPG to achieve its strategic objectives with the budget approved by the board. CEO Terms of Reference

Board Committees

MPG has two board committees, the Governance Committee and the Finance and Investment Committee. Their responsibilities can be found here.

Chairs of Board Committees

The chair of each committee facilitates the operations and deliberations of their committee so that it can perform its function and responsibilities. Here are the chairs' responsibilities.

Governing Legislation

MPG has applied for a private bill (“Bill”) with the Government of Ontario to effectively codify a unanimous decision by the Ontario Court of Appeal handed down in May 2020. Legislation drafted in the 19th century is being modernized so the organization can serve its community in the 21st century.  Read More