Cemetery By-laws

MPGC Cemetery By-laws


Mount Pleasant Group cemeteries are meant to be welcoming, safe, and inclusive places for all Greater Toronto Area residents and visitors – including the many families and friends who visit our cemeteries regularly to honour and remember their loved ones.

Our by-laws exist to maintain the safety, care, and dignity of our cemeteries across the GTA and it’s important that all visitors respect these by-laws at all times. Our recently updated cemetery by-laws came into effect, May 1, 2024. The by-laws contain rules and helpful guidance pertaining to the use of our cemeteries, including burial and visitation hours, jogging and recreational use, dog-walking and more. The latest by-laws also contain important information about permitted and prohibited articles for grave sites.  Please note our cemetery staff monitor grave sites as part of our regular care and maintenance and to ensure compliance with our cemetery by-laws.